EntX Hoyts

Corporate & Entertainment

  • Location | Christchurch
  • Owner | Calder Stewart Developments
  • Builders | Calder Stewart Construction Ltd
  • Architect | Ignite Architects
  • Scope of Works – Supply and installation of:
    • 22 x Toilet Cubicles – Urban Flush Front Range
    • 21 x Toilet Cubicles – Altitude Range High End Facilitates

Hoyts EntX is part of a $50M 3-level entertainment complex right in the heart of Christchurch city. The multiplex cinema has played an essential role in the Christchurch rebuild to assist with bringing people back into the central city. Duraplan were pleased to be involved in the completion of this project, supplying & installing the Toilet Cubicle Partitioning in our Urban Flush Front & Altitude Range.