Dressing rooms have seen little change in their design for decades. Traditionally, this communal space is laid out to maximise the area for full capacity. Although this style persists, a shift in culture has schools rethinking the open layout.
Now, school administrators are looking toward designs that afford more privacy. This makes students feel more comfortable and safe in the communal space. However, more privacy generally means that capacity and maintenance becomes an issue.
As an expert restroom solutions provider, let DuraPlan help you optimise your dressing rooms. Using the industry insights we’ve gathered over the years, learn how you can get the most value out of your dressing room renovation.
Improve Privacy
Making dressing rooms more comfortable often boils down to better privacy. Typically, these spaces have communal showers and dressing areas to maximise space. But there are other designs which provide privacy without straining resources.
- Choose to install partitions rather than curtains. They are easier to clean and maintain than curtains.
- Expand your shower stalls if you still have the space. Doing so can transform them into a suitable changing area for students. This way, they don’t have to go out in a towel, which can be uncomfortable.
- Divide the space into a wet room and a dry room. Doing so gives students more space to move around. Students who don’t need to shower can still get changed without taking up valuable space.
Maintain Cleanliness

The dressing rooms’ cleanliness plays a big role in making any user more comfortable. This communal space is prone to mould and mildew. When left unaddressed, these can result in a musty smell and trigger students’ allergies. Although humidity will be hard to control in this space, you can employ other methods to keep it clean and fresh.
- Choose materials that are low maintenance. Opt for solid surface panels rather than tile and grout. The latter is susceptible to mould and bacterial growth. Additionally, they require more maintenance because they are prone to external damage.
- Have your staff clean the dressing rooms regularly throughout the day. This will keep moisture to a minimum and pungent smells from developing. Also, it lessens the chances of accidents caused by slippery floors.
- There are vandal-proof shower cubicles NZ. These partitions are coated with a sealant that prevents graffiti from sticking on them. These will make it easier to keep your dressing rooms clean and visually appealing.
Rethinking the design of your dressing rooms does not have to result in a major renovation. Implementing change can be as simple as installing temporary partitions. What’s important is that you implement change that is beneficial to your students.
Choose DuraPlan for Modern Dressing Rooms
DuraPlan is a leader in commercial restroom solutions. Our work in different industries has given us important insight and expertise. We’ve curated a selection of products that will address your dressing room needs. From cubicle partitioning to bathroom fixtures, choose which suit your needs best. We are committed to helping you achieve your design goals.
Get in touch with us today. Call us on 09 972 7682 or send an email to sales@duraplan.co.nz.